Discovering Your Dharma Day Retreat
March 12th | 8a - 5p
A guided experience in tapping into your dharma and living a life with intention
Ever feel like there's "more to life?" Or that "something feels like it's missing?" Or maybe wonder if you're “on the right track and are doing what you should be doing?"
Maybe you even feel lost or like you’re not accessing your full potential. You might say to yourself “I have no idea what the heck I’m doing” to yourself or those close to you.
You're not alone.
Many of us go through life without having an awareness of what truly lights us up and how to integrate that sense of joy and purpose into our everyday lives.
We’re conditioned to march to the orders of our culture and to ignore our inner calling. We tend to feel off and can drown ourselves in work, family, shopping, social media, television, or food and drinks. We want to numb out.
We end up feeling jealous of people who appear to be “living their best life” or just “going for it.”
Everything we do is driven by our feelings and we rarely check in to see how we’re feeling, how we want to feel and shift into creating how we want to feel.
The Discovering Your Dharma’s Day Retreat is designed to change that.
Together, we will tap into your true nature and begin to design your life aligned with your dharma.

This course is designed for all those seeking to tap into their core truths and design an intentional life with purpose and clarity.
Brandi Molitor from Courage & Joy at Work and Alissa Newberg from Alissa Marie Yoga invite you into a guided Discovering Your Dharma Day Retreat, carefully designed to help you tap into your core desires and your calling to fuel an intentional life.
Coupled with heart-centered discovery practices and yoga, you'll leave the retreat with a new sense of what brings you a sense of aliveness and purpose and how to cultivate and nourish those parts of you within your life.
You stop wondering what if and leave knowing what’s next. Our goal is to help you Discover Your Dharma.

Day Retreat Itinerary
Arrival & Welcome Ceremony
Welcome tea along with setting intentions, agreements and what to expect for the retreat.
“Chakra Cleanse & Balancing Yoga Class” (open to members)
This is a yoga practice focused on the sacral (or second chakra) also known as Svadhisthana (one’s own place). When unlocked and balanced the sacral chakra allows for fluid movement, healthy connection to our emotions and an ability to experience pleasure. This practice will guide you through movement and breath work to understand and identify your true desire and purpose, balance your emotions and release the feelings of guilt that hold you back from exploring true happiness.
**Sign up link just for this class here
“Introduction + Discover Your Hidden Gifts & Return to the Heart”
In the first session of the retreat, you’ll be invited to set intentions for the course and be guided into what brought you here today along with what truly lights you up – your core desires. You’ll experience deep insight on what’s unique to you and no longer feel the need to compare yourself to others.
You’ll experience grounding and clarity.
Lunch & self-reflection
Movement for digestion
“Unblock Your Blocks - Restoring Freedom and Your Creative & Wild Nature”
Fears arise. We’ve made it this far with our traditional programming and those loud voices in our head re-emerge. We can start to believe we aren’t cut out for nurturing our core desires and find comfort back in the way things were before the course. This is normal and in this session of the retreat we’ll be workshopping and breaking through our fears, limiting beliefs and mindsets, recognizing patterns and what we no longer want to participate in. This is the part of the retreat where transformation is possible.
You’ll experience mental shifts and motivation.
“Integrate Your Dharma: Design an Intentional Life Honoring Your Truth”
Here we create the space for full integration and intention-setting. Feeling good along the way doesn’t mean you don’t work your butt off to get what you want. It means you joyously work your butt off. :) You can do the work with a joyful heart, aligned with your Dharma. Sometimes that work is terrifying, trying, and even grueling. This is what it means to have soul-centered intentions aligned with your dharma. They are life-affirming intentions and heart-lifting wishes. Plans that are ever-expansive and liberating. In our final session of the retreat, we’ll intentionally design the next phase of life you want to explore.
You’ll leave with a mission, vision and a deeper relationship with yourself. You’ll leave with discovering your dharma.
Closing Ceremony
2 weeks post retreat you will receive a 15 min check-in call.
Here we’ll be reminding you of your declarations and the fears you want to let go of. We’ll offer support and guidance on how to stay in touch with your dharma. Why? Because we forget :)

What’s included?
In addition to the 9 hours of live content, you’ll also receive a 15 minute follow-up session 2 weeks post retreat as a means of support.
You’ll also receive a beautifully curated lunch with local ingredients made with love along with snacks, water and tea.
Throughout the workshop, you’ll receive guided and soulful content on accessing your feelings and untangling your blocks via
- lecture
- journal prompts
- group activities & sharing
- meditation and
- body movement through yoga
The vibe of the course will be of love, safety, community, growth, belonging, sovereignty, honoring, compassion and grace.
What to bring:
- Reusable water bottle or coffee mug.
- Wear comfortable clothing, please.
- Speaking of clothing, bring layers. The temperature in the room may fluctuate.
- An open mind and an open heart.

This course is typically offered at $1000 and we are offering it now at $297.
The value here is pretty extraordinary. We could offer this program for $5000 and it would be absolutely reasonable. This will be a highly intimate and held space. We want this to be as accessible as possible for a few reasons. One, it feels right and that’s how we run our businesses — heart centered. Secondly, we want to support these kinds of conversations happening for as many people as possible. More unity, more connection. Thirdly, all pricing needs to reflect the impact of these times. We know the times are a’changin and we still want things to be affordable. We also know the world needs more love, unity, connection, restoration and folks connected to their desires and Dharma. So we want to contribute to that.
This is our dharma.
Questions? Reach out to Brandi at [email protected]

About Alissa:
About Brandi:
Hi, I’m Brandi.
I’ve been an executive level business and health coach for two decades. I mentor high-achieving leaders in falling back in love with their businesses and lives.
My journey began 20 years ago as a health and wellness advocate and educator. I believe wholeheartedly that what we choose to feed our mind, body, and spirit has a direct correlation to our life’s experience. For the last 15 years, after years in the health and wellness industry, I transitioned into the world of business where I mentored leaders and organizations to integrate this aligned approach.
My program of Courageous Leadership focuses on tapping back in to soul-based and fully integrated leadership, giving you permission to harness your inner wisdom and guide that’s been quieted for far too long.
website: www.courageandjoyatwork.com

Registration for March 12, 2023 is now closed.
Email Alissa at [email protected] for more information or to be added to a waitlist for the next event.