Breathe & Restore
A virtual guide to nourish and balance your parasympathetic nervous system and align mind, body, and spirit.
Join Ashlee Elliott as she leads you through a 21-Day experience to Breathe & Restore.
Program Launches on March 22
Make Yourself A Priority.
Transform The Way You Show Up.
Join The Waitlist

Restorative Yoga & Yoga Nidra
Learn how to set up in restorative yoga postures and know which postures help with what you need.
Explore yogic sleep and experience how to move into a deeper regenerative rest.

Pranayama & Meditation
Develop a consistent mindfulness practice. Learn breath control practices, understand when to use each, and how to incorporate into your daily life.
Improve your ability to meditate with consistency and a variety of techniques and guided-practices.

Self-Care & Support
Create new self-care routines, enhancing the way you care for yourself and feel inspired with new ways to align your mind, body, and spirit.
Feel supported through 21 days of consistently showing up for yourself as you Breathe & Restore and experience how your days transform.
In this program you will receive:
Join The WaitlistYou have so much to offer the world.
Are you ready to feel like your best self?
You deserve to have the tools and techniques you need to restore the parts of you that work so hard every day.
You deserve guidance, encouragement, and positive energy around taking time to rejuvenate all of you.
You deserve to feel aligned and at home in your mind, body, and spirit.
In 21 days, you can develop a sustainable practice and change your mindset to make nourishing YOU a priority.