Focus Series w/ Alissa

Yoga To Connect To Your Heart

Wednesdays Feb 5, 12, 19, 26
Instructor: Alissa Newberg

 Cost: $75 for 4 week series * $25 for drop in

*included for unlimited monthly members, pre-registration required

Yoga and meditations focused on opening the heart physically, emotionally, and energetically.

An open heart allows emotions to flow unrestricted. It brings balance and improves posture allowing for a deeper expression of breath and love.

About Alissa:

Alissa Marie Newberg is a 200hr RYT yoga teacher with additional Yoga Alliance certification in Prenatal Yoga through Blooma International.
She has trained as a DONA certified doula with Patti Brennan of The Center for the Childbearing Year and recently studied with Tammy Ryan of Spinning Babies learning pregnancy and birth positioning techniques.
She is also certified to specialize in teaching yoga for the pelvic floor to both participants and instructors.
Instagram: @alissamarieyoga